EBD S610-2
Catalogue of U.S. collective exhibition of education |
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EBD S611-1
Official catalogue of U.S. exhibit |
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EBD S612-1.1 to S612-1.2
Catalogue of exhibitors in U.S. sections of International Universal Exposition, Paris, 1900 |
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EBD S612-2.1 to S612-2.2
International Universal Exhibition of 1900, chronicles of world's great products: Volume annexe, official catalogue U.S. exhibitors on U.S. exhibits, with biographical information on Alfred Picard, and lists of U.S. exhibit directors and honorary commissioners. |
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EBD S612-3
General classification of Paris Exposition of 1900 |
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EBD S612-4
U.S. Commission to Paris Exposition of 1900: Official classification in English of groups IV and V (machinery and electricity) with French terms to be used in shipping |
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EBD S612-5
Universal Exposition: Map of grounds showing U.S. buildings and exhibit sections |
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EBD S612-6
Information for citizens of U.S.A. who desire to become exhibitors at International Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900 |
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EBD S612-7
Paris Exposition of 1900: Report of Hon. S. E. Morss, Consul-General of U.S. at Paris, to Secretary of State |
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EBD S612-8
U.S. and the Paris Exposition: Speeches of representative Americans at banquet given to Commissioner-General Ferdinand W. Peck, in Chicago, Dec. 8, 1898 |
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EBD S612-9
Pollok Memorial Prize: Proposed rules and regulations |
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EBD S612-10
General rules and regulations of Paris Exposition of 1900 |
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EBD S613-2
Journal of proceedings of U.S. Centennial Commission at Philadelphia, 1872 |
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EBD S613-3.1 to S613-3.9
U.S. Centennial Commission, International Exhibition, 1876 compilation of reports on administration, finance, exhibits, and awards of Philadelphia Exhibition, with data; lists of Commissioners and staff, exhibitors, judges, and award winners; and reports of judges on industries and arts represented, with some data. |
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EBD S613a-4
U.S. Centennial Commission |
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EBD S614-1
List of prizes awarded to American exhibitors at Vienna Universal Exposition, 1873 |
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EBD S614-2
General report upon exposition at Vienna, 1873 |
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EBD S614-3
General regulations for foreign exhibitors and commissions |
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EBD S615-1
Opening of U.S. Government building at Tennessee Centennial Exposition, May 17, 1897 |
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EBD S616-1
Rules and regulations of U.S. Government guard, Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, Nebr., 1898 |
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