Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD SI1.7-72.8 Review of interrelationships of Cetacea 1
EBD SI1.7-72.9 Neoabbottia, new cactus genus from Hispaniola 1
EBD SI1.7-73.0 Smithsonian miscellaneous collections ; 1
EBD SI1.7-73.1 to SI1.7-73.7 Opinions rendered by International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature opinions 1-67. 1
EBD SI1.7-74.0 Smithsonian miscellaneous collections ; 1
EBD SI1.7-74.1 Smithsonian mathematical formulae and tables of elliptic functions 1
EBD SI1.7-74.2 New timaline birds from East Indies 1
EBD SI1.7-74.3 Remains of mammals from caves in Republic of Haiti 1
EBD SI1.7-74.4 Remains of birds from caves in Republic of Haiti 1
EBD SI1.7-74.6 Designs on prehistoric pottery from Mimbres Valley, N.Mex 1
EBD SI1.7-74.7 Distribution of energy in spectra of sun and stars 1
EBD SI1.7-76.0 Smithsonian miscellaneous collections ; 1
EBD SI1.7-76.1 Some practical aspects of fuel economy 1
EBD SI1.7-76.11 Freshfield Glacier, Canadian Rockies 1
EBD SI1.7-76.12 "Adaptations" to social life termites (Isoptera) 1
EBD SI1.7-76.13 Preliminary archeological explorations at Weeden Island, Fla 1
EBD SI1.7-76.2 History of electric light 1
EBD SI1.7-76.3 On fossil crinoid family Catillocrinidae 1
EBD SI1.7-76.4 Report on cooperative educational and research work carried on by Smithsonian Institution and itsbranches 1
EBD SI1.7-76.5 Telescoping of cetacean skull 1