Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD SI102-4 Articles on anthropological subjects, contributed to annual reports of Smithsonian Institution from 1863 to 1877 1
EBD SI102-5 Natural history illustrations, prepared under direction of Louis Agassiz and Spencer F. Baird, 1849: Anatomy of Astrangia danae, 6 lithographs from drawings by A. Sonrel 1
EBD SI102-7 Exhibit of Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 1
EBD SI102-8 Exhibit of Smithsonian Institution at Cotton States Exposition, Atlanta, 1895 1
EBD SI102-9 Bibliographia americana historico-naturalis, A.D. 1851 1
EBD SI102-10 Catalogue of described Coleoptera of U.S 1
EBD SI102-12 Rules for transmission of scientific and literary exchanges 1
EBD SI102-13 Natural history illustrations, prepared under direction of Louis Agassiz and Spencer F. Baird, 1849: Six species of North American fresh-water fishes, 6 lithographs from drawings by A. Sonrel 1
EBD SI102-14 Smithsonian geographical tables, 2nd edition 1
EBD SI102-15 Memoir of George Brown Goode, 1851-1896 1
EBD SI102-16 Memoir of Joseph Henry, sketch of his scientific work 1
EBD SI102-18 Smithsonian mathematical tables: Hyperbolic functions 1
EBD SI102-19 List of institutions in U.S. receiving publications of Smithsonian Institution 1
EBD SI102-20.2 International exchange list of Smithsonian Institution, corrected to ... list of scientific, academic, and related organizations exchanging publications with Smithsonian, arranged by country and city. 1
EBD SI102-21 International exchange service of Smithsonian Institution 1
EBD SI102-22 International catalogue of scientific literature; regional bureau for U.S 1
EBD SI102-23 Smithsonian meteorological observations for year 1855 (printed for examination by observers) 1
EBD SI102-24 Diary of journey through Mongolia and Tibet, in 1891 and 1892 1
EBD SI102-25 [Tables of natural sines and cosines, tangents and cotangents, with useful physical constants, etc.] 1
EBD SI102-26 Report on history of discovery of Neptune 1