Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD SI106-8.3 On recent secular period of aurora borealis 1
EBD SI106-8.4 Tangencies of circles and of spheres 1
EBD SI106-8.5 Investigations, chemical and physiological, relative to certain North American Vertebrata 1
EBD SI106-9.1 Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. IX 1
EBD SI106-9.2 On relative intensity of heat and light of Sun upon different latitudes of Earth 1
EBD SI106-9.3 Illustrations of surface geology Part III, Traces of ancient glaciers in Massachusetts and Vermont] 1
EBD SI106-9.4 Observations on Mexican history and archaeology, with special notice of Zapotec remains as delineated in Mr. J. G. Sawkins's drawings of Mitla, etc 1
EBD SI106-9.5 Researches on ammonia-cobalt bases 1
EBD SI106-10.1 Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. X 1
EBD SI106-10.2 Nereis boreali-americana, or contributions to history of marine algae of North America 1
EBD SI106-10.3 Magnetical observations in Arctic seas by Elisha Kent Kane, M.D., U.S.N., made during 2nd Grinnell Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin in 1853, 1854, and 1855, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, and other points on west coast of Greenland 1
EBD SI106-10.4 Grammar and dictionary of Yoruba language, with introductory description of country and people of Yoruba 1
EBD SI106-11.1 Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. XI 1
EBD SI106-11.2 North American oology, Part I: Raptores and Fissirostres 1
EBD SI106-11.3 Account of total eclipse of Sun on Sept. 7, 1858, as observed near Olmos, Peru 1
EBD SI106-11.5 Meteorological observations in Arctic seas by Elisha Kent Kane, M.D., U.S.N., made during 2nd Grinnell Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin in 1853, 1854, and 1855, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, and other points on west coast of Greenland 1
EBD SI106-11.6 Coleoptera of Kansas and eastern New Mexico 1
EBD SI106-11.7 Observations on terrestrial magnetism in Mexico, conducted under direction of Baron von Muller; with notes and illustrations of examination of volcano Popocatepetl and its vicinity 1
EBD SI106-11.8 On certain storms in Europe and America, Dec. 1836 1
EBD SI106-12.1 Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. XII 1