Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD SI3.8-18.1 Classification of genus Annona, with descriptions of new and imperfectly known species 1
EBD SI3.8-18.5 Preliminary revision of genus Inga 1
EBD SI3.8-18.7 Grasses of West Indies 1
EBD SI3.8-18.8 Systematic investigations of tropical American plants 1
EBD SI3.8-19.D Flora of New Mexico 1
EBD SI3.8-20.1 Mexican and Central American species of Ficus 1
EBD SI3.8-20.10 Revisions of genera Acanthospermum, Flourensia, Oyedaea, and Tithonia 1
EBD SI3.8-20.11 Identification of Berberis aquifolium and Berberis repens 1
EBD SI3.8-20.13 Revision of American species of Rinorea; New plants from Venezuela; Hemibaccharis, new genus of Baccharidinae 1
EBD SI3.8-20.14 American species of Canavalia and Wenderothia 1
EBD SI3.8-20.15 Systematic studies of American plants 1
EBD SI3.8-20.2 Middle American species of Lonchocarpus 1
EBD SI3.8-20.4 North American species of Aquilegia 1
EBD SI3.8-20.5 Allies of Selaginella rupestris in Southeastern U.S 1
EBD SI3.8-20.6 Studies of tropical American phanerogams 1
EBD SI3.8-20.7 Genus Homalium in America; New South American spermatophytes collected by H. M. Curran 1
EBD SI3.8-20.8 North American species of Asterella 1
EBD SI3.8-20.9 Scrophulariaceae of central Rocky Mountain States 1
EBD SI3.8-21.D Flora of D.C. and vicinity 1
EBD SI3.8-22.10 North American species of Scutellaria 1