EBD SI303-47.1 to SI303-47.4
Fishes of North and Middle America: Descriptive catalogue of species of fish-like vertebrates found in waters of North America, north of Isthmus of Panama |
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EBD SI303-48
Contributions toward monograph of insects of lepidopterous family Noctuidae of boreal North America: Revision of deltoid moths |
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EBD SI303-49
Bibliography of published writings of Philip Lutley Sclater, F.R.S., Secretary of Zoological Society of London, 1844-1896 |
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EBD SI303-51.2
List of publications of U.S. National Museum |
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EBD SI303-52
List of North American Lepidoptera and key to literature of this order of insects |
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EBD SI303-53.2
Catalogue of type and figured specimens of fossils, minerals, rocks, and ores in Department of Geology, U.S. National Museum with bibliographic references for each specimen. |
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EBD SI303-54
Monograph on isopods of North America |
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EBD SI303-55
Contribution to oceanography of Pacific, compiled from data collected by U.S. steamer Nero while engaged in survey of route for trans-Pacific cable |
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EBD SI303-56.1
Mammals of Mexican boundary of U.S.: Descriptive catalogue of species of mammals occurring in that region, with general summary of natural history, and list of trees; Part I, families Didelphiidae to Muridae |
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EBD SI303-57
Families and genera of bats |
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EBD SI303-58
Herpetology of Japan and adjacent territory |
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EBD SI303-59
Recent Madreporaria of Hawaiian Islands and Laysan |
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EBD SI303-60
Barnacles (Cirrepedia) contained in collections of U.S. National Museum |
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EBD SI303-61
Variations and genetic relationships of garter-snakes |
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EBD SI303-62
Catalogue of type-specimens of mammals in U.S. National Museum, including biological survey collection |
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EBD SI303-63
Monographic revision of Coleoptera belonging to tenebrionide tribe Eleodiini inhabiting U.S., Lower California, and adjacent islands |
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EBD SI303-64
Critical summary of Troost's unpublished manuscript on crinoids of Tennessee |
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EBD SI303-65
Dendroid graptolites of Niagaran Dolomites at Hamilton, Ontario |
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EBD SI303-66
Monographic revision of twisted winged insects comprising order Strepsiptera kirby |
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EBD SI303-67
Directions for collecting and preserving insects |
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