EBD T112-1
Digest of decisions of Treasury Department relating to tariff, navigation, etc from 1872 to 1882, inclusive, with tariff on imports into U.S., and free list, indexed, and Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. |
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EBD T112-2
Index to decisions made by Secretary of Treasury as to assessment of duty on imported goods under Tariff Act of Mar. 3, 1883, to Jan. 1, 1890 including index to decisions under acts of Congress relating to Alaska, restriction and exclusion of Chinese, prevention of importation and adulteration of spurious teas, etc., covering period from Mar. 1883 to Jan. 1890. |
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EBD T112-3
Index to synopses of decisions of Treasury Department and Board of U.S. General Appraisers on construction of tariff, navigation, and other laws, Jan. 1, 1890, to Dec. 31, 1895 |
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EBD T1120-1
Base apparatus |
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EBD T1120-2
Description of C. and G. Survey steamer ""Blake'' and her deep-sea apparatus |
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EBD T1120-3
Chart publications |
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EBD T1120-4
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey |
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EBD T1120-5
Gravity |
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EBD T1120-6
Hydrography |
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EBD T1120-7
Hypsometry |
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EBD T1120-8
Magnetics |
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EBD T1120-9
Tides and currents |
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EBD T1120-10
Time, latitude, and longitude |
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EBD T1120-11
Topography |
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EBD T1120-12
Triangulation and reconnaissance |
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EBD T1120-13
Model of U.S. and Alaska |
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EBD T1120-14
Weights and measures |
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EBD T113-1 to T113-7
Treasury register containing list of all persons employed in Treasury Department, including sub-treasuries, depositories, mints, assay offices, and Customs, Steamboat-Inspection, Revenue Marine, Life Saving, Light-House, Marine-Hospital, Internal-Revenue, and Coast Survey Services. |
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EBD T114-1 to T114a-10
Treasury Department Synoptical Series Circulars, 1869 |
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EBD T115-1 to T115-19
Treasury Department circular letters |
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