Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD T27.20-60 Healthy, happy womanhood pamphlet for girls and young women. 1
EBD T27.20-64 Square deal for boy in industry, for those interested in work with boys 1
EBD T27.20-65 Two years fighting V.D report of 1st 2 years' work in program of combating venereal diseases (conductedby State boards of health and U.S. Public Health Service) 1
EBD T27.20-66 What representative citizens think about prostitution 1
EBD T27.20-67 Syphilis and gonorrhea, diseases of youth, report of 8,413 cases 1
EBD T27.20-68 Open forum on ""open house'' 1
EBD T27.20-70 Dividends from venereal disease control 1
EBD T27.20-73.2 The Venereal diseases 1
EBD T27.20-74 Need for sex education, for parents and their children 1
EBD T27.20-75 High schools and sex education manual of suggestions on education related to sex. 1
EBD T27.20-76 Venereal disease handbook for community leaders program of venereal disease control. 1
EBD T27.20-78 Venereal disease incidence at different ages in certain Southern States 1
EBD T27.20-79 Statistical study of 60,000 cases of venereal disease 1
EBD T27.20-80 Health maintenance, subject relief and prevention of venereal diseases. 1
EBD T27.20-82 Venereal disease manual for social and corrective agencies 1
EBD T27.20-83 You and your boy 1
EBD T27.20-84.2 Catalogue of educational material distributed by Division of Venereal Diseases, U.S. Public Health Service, for use in its cooperative work with State health departments 1
EBD T27.20-85 Where away? Some things worth knowing about venereal disease, written especially for use of merchant seamen and other beneficiaries of Public Health Service 1
EBD T27.20-86 Sex education symposium for educators. 1
EBD T27.20-87 Status of sex education in high schools 1