EBD T27.27-164
Monthly encumbrance reports |
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EBD T27.27-165
Report of relief furnished pay patients, Form 1927 |
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EBD T27.27-166
[Nurses of Public Health Service; effect of legislation] |
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EBD T27.27-167
Right to treatment of Veterans' Bureau beneficiaries in Soldiers' Homes |
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EBD T27.27-168
Submittal of Form 1971-L |
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EBD T27.27-169
Proposals for fiscal year 1925 |
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EBD T27.27-170
[Form 1911, proposal to furnish supplies; Public Health Service notice of amendment] |
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EBD T27.27-171
Estimates for allotments for 1st quarter, fiscal year, 1923 |
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EBD T27.27-172
[Dietitians and reconstruction aides in Public Health Service hospitals placed under direction of Superintendent of Nurses] |
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EBD T27.27-174
Use of fresh instead of canned vegetables and fruits during summer months |
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EBD T27.27-175
Separation of U.S. Veterans' Bureau and U.S. Public Health Service activities |
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EBD T27.27-177
[Confidentiality of efficiency reports for Public Health Service nurses] |
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EBD T27.27-178
Special qualifications of nurses |
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EBD T27.27-179
Preparation of weekly census report |
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EBD T27.27-180
Continuation of library work |
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EBD T27.27-181
Reference to requisition numbers |
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EBD T27.27-182
Reporting amount of edible and inedible waste per ration |
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EBD T27.27-183
Transmission of in-patient report cards (Form 1971-F) to Surgeon General |
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EBD T27.27-184
Listing of telephones in directories in their respective localities |
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EBD T27.27-185
Program for National Hospital Day |
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