Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD T2712-25 Hook-worm disease 1
EBD T2712-26 Present status of leprosy problem in Hawaii reaction of lepers to Moro's percutaneous test; Note upon possibility of mosquito acting in transmission of leprosy. 1
EBD T2712-27 Studies upon leprosy IV. Upon utility of examination of nose and nasal secretions for detection of incipient cases of leprosy. 1
EBD T2712-28 Studies upon leprosy V. Report upon treatment of 6 cases of leprosy with nastine (Deycke); VI. Leprosy in U.S.A. in 1909. 1
EBD T2712-29 Prevalence of rabies in U.S 1
EBD T2712-30 The rat and its relation to the public health 1
EBD T2712-31 Transactions of 7th Annual Conference of State and Territorial Health Officers with U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Washington, D.C., June 2, 1909 1
EBD T2714-2 Regulations for sale of viruses, serums, toxins, and analogous products in D.C., etc 1
EBD T2716-1 Publications of U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service 1
EBD T28.2-7 Table of charges at mints and assay offices of U.S., effective Dec. 1, 1932 1
EBD T28.2-8 Classification of objects of expenditure with reference to symbols, conforming to recommendations of President'sCommission on Economy and Efficiency 1
EBD T28.2-9.1 to T28.2-9.3 Information relating to coins and medals 1
EBD T28.2-9.1 to T28.2-9.7 Information relating to U.S. coins and medals 1
EBD T28.2-9.4 to T28.2-9.7 Information relating to U.S. coins and medals 1
EBD T28.2-10.2 Catalogue of coins, tokens, and medals in numismatic collection of Mint of U.S. at Philadelphia, Pa. (3rd edition) 1
EBD T28.2-11 Sampling of gold bullion, illustrated by specific cases drawn from actual practice in Mint Service 1
EBD T28.2-12 Price list and information relating to U.S. medals 1
EBD T28.2-13.1 to T28.2-13.4 Monetary systems of principal countries of world 1
EBD T28.2-14 Guide to numismatic collection of Mint of U.S. at Philadelphia, Pa 1
EBD T28.5-30 to T28.5-51 Proceedings of Assay Commission test of U.S. coinage executed during calendar year; also laws of U.S. relating to annual test, and rules for organization and government of Commission. 1