EBD T56.7-207
[List of unreliable informers not to be employed by Narcotics Bureau] |
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EBD T56.8-1 to T56.8-3
Traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs, year ended June 30 ... report by Government of U.S.A |
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EBD T56.9-1 to T56.9-2
Traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs with respect to Philippine Islands, report by Government of U.S.A |
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EBD T602-1
Revised rules in regard to transaction of business at Office of Fourth Auditor of Treasury |
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EBD T702-1
Report of Fifth Auditor showing costs of assessing and collecting internal revenue and amounts assessed and collected in each district up to June 30, 1870, inclusive. |
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EBD T8.2-7
Rules and instructions for settlement of postmasters' accounts |
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EBD T802-3
Rules and regulations pertaining to Recording Division, Office of Auditor Post Office Department |
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EBD T802-4
Tables of computations for quarter of 90 days, for use in Office of Auditor for Post Office Department in adjusting pay of mail contractors |
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EBD T9.9-48 to T9.9-52
Financial statement of U.S. Government |
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EBD T9.9-53 to T9.9-65
Statement of public debt of U.S |
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EBD T901-1 to T901-22
Combined statement of the receipts and disbursements (apparent and actual) of U.S. for fiscal year ... |
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EBD T902-1
Extracts from U.S. statutes relating to accounting methods and matters pertaining thereto, enacted upon report of joint commission of Congress, authorized by Act approved Mar. 3, 1893 |
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EBD T902-2
Information relating to accounting system of U.S. Treasury Department compendium of principal U.S. statutes and Comptroller's decisions relating to accounting officers of Treasury, their duties and jurisdiction, to manner of rendering and settling public accounts, and to custody of public moneys by public officers. |
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EBD T902-3
Detailed estimate for appropriation, pay of assistant custodians and janitors, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1909, for U.S. buildings under control of Treasury Department |
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EBD T902-4
Statement of amount of internal-revenue tax on raw cotton collected in each State during fiscal years 1863 to 1868, inclusive |
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EBD T902-5
Statement of receipts and expenditures of U.S. from 1880 to 1895 (inclusive) |
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EBD T905-1 to T905-2
Appropriations for the support of the Government, on account of the service of the fiscal year ending ... |
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EBD T905-3 to T905-24
Digest of appropriations for the support of the government of the United States, on account of the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, ... and of deficiencies for previous years; made by ... Session of ... Congress. |
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EBD T906-2
Letter from Secretary of Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations required for service of fiscal year ending June 30, 1881 |
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EBD T908-1 to T908-5
Statement of condition of U.S. Treasury and receipts and expenditures of Government |
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