Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD W1.4-2.97 Discharge of conscientious objectors 1
EBD W1.4-2.98 Report of death, Form No. 415, A.G.O 1
EBD W1.4-2.99 Red Cross sweaters 1
EBD W1.4-3.1 Discharge of former National Guard enlisted men 1
EBD W1.4-3.10 Amendments to Circulars No. 90 and 106, War Department, 1918 1
EBD W1.4-3.100 Use of enlisted personnel to complete new construction work 1
EBD W1.4-3.101 Recruitment and assignment of recruits 1
EBD W1.4-3.102 Amendment of Circulars Nos. 90 and 106, War Department, 1918, discontinuance of certain camps as convalescent and demobilization centers 1
EBD W1.4-3.103 War risk insurance Applications for insurance must be in writing. 1
EBD W1.4-3.104 Amendment to Circular No. 106, War Department, 1918 Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming designated as demobilization center. 1
EBD W1.4-3.105 Payment of allotments 1
EBD W1.4-3.106 Disposition of music of bands about to be demobilized 1
EBD W1.4-3.107 Regimental return, Form No. 41, A.G.O., for coast defense commands, amendment to Circular No. 59, War Department, 1918 1
EBD W1.4-3.108 Discharge of enlisted men after hospital treatment; amendment to Circular No. 188, War Department, 1918 1
EBD W1.4-3.109 Misuse of furlough fare certificates 1
EBD W1.4-3.11 Entry of soldier's prior organization on discharge certificate 1
EBD W1.4-3.110 Discontinuance of certain posts as demobilization centers; amendment to Circular No. 122, War Department, 1918 1
EBD W1.4-3.111 Retention of soldiers in service to satisfy debt to Government 1
EBD W1.4-3.112 Transportation for Marine patients in Army hospitals 1
EBD W1.4-3.113 Instructions governing voluntary enlistments 1