Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD W1.4-4.339 Travel allowance for members of Army Nurse Corps 1
EBD W1.4-4.34 Furlough to reserve of men previously called to service from reserve; interpretation of Circular No. 578, War Department, 1919 1
EBD W1.4-4.340 Live stock, fowls, and farm products in connection with vocational training in Army 1
EBD W1.4-4.341 Reporting arrival of recruits; amendment to Circular No. 262, War Department, 1920 1
EBD W1.4-4.342 Collar insignia for officers of Medical Department 1
EBD W1.4-4.343 Dates of opening of officers' courses at Infantry School 1
EBD W1.4-4.344 Preparation of enlisted men's pay rolls 1
EBD W1.4-4.345 Expense of preparing supplies for transfer between bureaus of War Department 1
EBD W1.4-4.346 Omission of physical examination of officers for year 1921 1
EBD W1.4-4.347 Reenlistment of discharged noncommissioned officers; amendment to Circular No. 281, War Department, 1920 1
EBD W1.4-4.348 Assignment of men enlisting after discharge from emergency commission 1
EBD W1.4-4.349 Qualifications for detail as student at Bakers and Cooks Schools 1
EBD W1.4-4.35 Special assignment of recruits for Coast Artillery Corps; amendment to Circular No. 14, War Department, 1920 1
EBD W1.4-4.350 Appointment of noncommissioned officers, Quartermaster Corps 1
EBD W1.4-4.351 War risk insurance Warrant officers not entitled to family allowances. 1
EBD W1.4-4.352 Entries in New York Horse Show 1
EBD W1.4-4.353 Immediate application for Victory Medal from officers and men now in service 1
EBD W1.4-4.354 Report of service of former members of Officers' Reserve Corps 1
EBD W1.4-4.355 Procedure in case of underpayment or overpayment of commutation of rations 1
EBD W1.4-4.356 War risk insurance Overpayments by zone finance officer due to failure of organization commanders to submit Q.M.C. Form 39. 1