EBD W26.9-42
Instructions on wiring (wire obstacles) |
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EBD W26.9-43
Wire entanglements, addenda 1 to engineer field manual |
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EBD W26.9-44
Drill regulations for 75 French gun, model 1897, changes no. 1 |
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EBD W26.10-1 to W26.10-9
Field artillery notes |
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EBD W26.11-2.1 to W26.11-2.3
Notes on employment of machine guns |
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EBD W26.11-2.1 to W26.11-26
Training circulars of War Plans Division |
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EBD W26.11-5.D
Infantry training |
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EBD W26.11-6.1
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W26.11-7.D
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W26.11-8.D
Provisional infantry training manual, 1918 Part I. Minimum specifications for trained infantry; Part II. Training methods. |
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EBD W26.11-12.D
Combined training of division |
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EBD W26.11-18.D
Provisional machine gun training manual |
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EBD W26.11-19.D
Organization of physical and bayonet training |
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EBD W26.11-22.D
Outline of duties of regimental medical department in modern warfare |
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EBD W26.11-23.D
Training regulations for depot brigades |
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EBD W26.11-24.D
Program of training for headquarters company, sanitary troops, band, trains, and military police of infantry regiment Combined training of division. |
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EBD W26.11-26.D
Provisional cavalry training manual, 1918 Part I. Minimum specifications for trained cavalry; Part II. Training methods. |
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EBD W26.15-2.3
Special list of official U.S. war photographs |
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EBD W26.15-2.4
Special list of official U.S. war photographs on file in Historical Section, Army War College |
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EBD W26.15-2.5
Catalogue and classification of still pictures in files of Historical Section Branch, War Plans Division, General Staff, Army War College, Washington, D.C |
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