Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD W302-48 Alphabetical index of 162nd New York Volunteer Infantry, being abstract of field and staff and company rolls 1
EBD W302-49 Alphabetical card-index of rolls of 164th New York Infantry 1
EBD W302-50 Organization of Adjutant-General's Office, character and distribution of work in detail, etc 1
EBD W302-52 Organization of Adjutant-General's Office, its sections and divisions 1
EBD W302-53 Circular relative to pay of officers and enlisted men of Army 1
EBD W302-55 Register of officers of Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry and Philippine Scouts 1
EBD W302-56 List of military posts, etc., established in U.S. from its earliest settlement to present time, subject to corrections and additions 1
EBD W302-58 Register of clerks and employes in Office of Adjutant General of Army 1
EBD W302-59 Distribution of regiments, U.S. Army, Jan. 1866 to Jan. 1, 1897 [chronologies by regiment, showing length of service in each State or region] 1
EBD W302-60 Dates of retirement of officers, U.S. Army [showing present rank and corps] 1
EBD W302-61 Dates of retirement of officers, U.S. Army [showing present rank and corps] 1
EBD W302-62 Report of Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, U.S. Volunteers, to Adjutant-General U.S. Army, relating to Santiago campaign, 1898 1
EBD W302-63 Life of enlisted soldier in Army 1
EBD W302-64 Statistical exhibit of strength of volunteer forces called into service during War with Spain, with losses from all causes 1
EBD W302-67 List of synonyms of organizations in volunteer service of U.S. during years 1861-1865 1
EBD W302-68 Manual of medical officer of Army of U.S.: Part 1. Recruiting and inspection of recruits [on policy and procedure] 1
EBD W302-69 Manual of medical officer of Army of U.S.: Part 1. Recruiting and inspection of recruits [on policy and procedure] 1
EBD W302-70 Epitome of Tripler's manual, for examination of recruits 1
EBD W302-71 Circular showing distribution of troops of line of U.S. Army Jan. 1, 1866 to Jan. 1, 1909. 1
EBD W302-72 Circular showing distribution of troops of line of U.S. Army, Jan. 1, 1866 to June 30, 1909 1