Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD W317-2 Recruiting for the line of the Army during month ... 1
EBD W317-3 to W317-4 List of recruiting stations showing the number of recruits for the line of the Army enlisted at each station with its auxiliaries in quarter 1
EBD W318-2 Examination paper -- Heavy artillery, for captains and lieutenants 1
EBD W318-3 Examination paper -- Cavalry drill regulations 1
EBD W319-5.1 to 5.3 Office memoranda Dates of certain wars, campaigns, expeditions, events, etc. [1775-1895] and 1775-1899] 1
EBD W319-6.1 Military geographical divisions and departments and their commanders, Jan. 1, 1898 to May 1, 1903 1
EBD W319-7 Memorandum [provisional rules for judging effectiveness of machine guns at maneuvers, for guidance of umpires at camps of instruction] 1
EBD W320-1 to W320-11 Military commands and posts in U.S. with post offices, telegraph stations, and nearest railroad stations or boat landings [listings] 1
EBD W321-1 Roster of commissioned officers, U.S. volunteer regiments of engineers, cavalry, and infantry 1
EBD W321-2 Officers of volunteer regiments organized under Act of Mar. 2, 1899 (lineal rank not yet determined) 1
EBD W321-3 Officers of volunteer regiments organized under Act of Mar. 2, 1899, arranged according to relative rank 1
EBD W321-4 Officers of volunteer regiments organized under Act of Mar. 2, 1899, arranged according to relative rank 1
EBD W321-5 Official register of officers of volunteers in service of U.S., organized under Act of Mar. 2, 1899 1
EBD W322-85.1 General order 1
EBD W328-1 Regulations governing use and occupancy of lands within limits of military reservation of Fort St. Michael, Alaska [text] 1
EBD W328-3 Rules for Army and Navy maneuvers prepared under direction of Army and Navy Departments, 1903 1
EBD W328-4.1 Revised rules for combined Army and Navy maneuvers, prepared under direction of Army and Navy War Colleges 1
EBD W328-4.2 Revised rules for combined Army and Navy maneuvers, prepared under direction of War and Navy Departments, approved May 1904 1
EBD W328-5 Canteen regulations, with authoritative decisions thereon [issued by Secretary of War and Adjutant General] 1
EBD W328-6 Provisional manual of instruction for Hospital Corps, U.S.A., and company bearers [on Army training and drills] 1