Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD W4105-3 to W4105-10 Semi-annual report on schools for freedmen 1
EBD W4106-1 Fourth annual report of Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, for D.C., West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware 1
EBD W42.2-55 Machine gun shooting in air, using ring sights 1
EBD W42.2-56 Aeronautical terms, compiled for use in U.S. schools of military aeronautics 1
EBD W42.2-57 Information for inspectors of airplane wood 1
EBD W42.2-58.1 Air Service handbook Vol. 1. Aviation Section, Signal Corps. 1
EBD W42.2-59 Airplane motors; course of practical instruction in their care and overhauling, for use of military aviators 1
EBD W42.2-60 Over there skilled workers in Air Service. 1
EBD W42.2-61 Alaskan cable system 1
EBD W42.2-62 [Document not titled.] 1
EBD W42.2-63 Equipment for aero units of Aviation Section (Signal Corps); tentative, 1916 1
EBD W42.2-64.1 Applied communications Part I. General principles, message centers, codes, ciphers. 1
EBD W42.2-65 Signal Corps equipment division correspondence file; subjective decimal classification with relative index for arranging and filing Signal Corps equipment division correspondence, in conjunction with War Department correspondence file 1
EBD W42.2-66 Enlistment circular 1
EBD W42.2-67 Descriptive data concerning gasoline-engine testing laboratory, U.S. Signal Corps and Bureau of Standards 1
EBD W42.2-68 Statement showing rank, duties, and addresses of officers of Signal Corps, U.S. Army; and list of officers who have been detailed in Signal Corps or assigned to aviation duty 1
EBD W42.2-69 Information concerning appointments in Signal Officers' Reserve Corps 1
EBD W42.2-70 Radiotelegraphy, U.S. Signal Corps; revised Oct. 1916 1
EBD W42.2-71 [Document not titled.] 1
EBD W42.2-72.2 Signal book, U.S. Army 1