Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD W42.29-23.D U.W. airplane radio telegraph set type SCR-80 1
EBD W42.29-24.D Tank radio telegraph set 1
EBD W42.29-25.D Set, radio telegraph; type SCR-105 1
EBD W42.29-26.D Sets, undamped wave radio telegraph; types SCR-127 and SCR-130 1
EBD W42.29-27.D Sets, radio telephone and telegraph; types SCR-109-A and SCR-159 1
EBD W42.29-28.D Wavemeters and decremeters 1
EBD W42.29-30.2 Radio mechanic and airplane 1
EBD W42.29-31.D General Service Code 1
EBD W42.29-40.D Principles underlying radio communication 1
EBD W42.29-41.D Introduction to line radio communication 1
EBD W42.29-42.D Airplane radio sets, types SCR-133, 134, 135, and interphone sets, SCR-155, 160, and receiving equipment used in conjunction therewith 1
EBD W42.30-1 to W42.30-11 Wire Communication Pamphlets of Signal Office 1
EBD W42.30-1.D Buzzerphone, type EE-1 1
EBD W42.30-2.D Monocord switchboards of units type EE-2 and type EE-2-A, and monocord switchboard operator's set type EE-64 1
EBD W42.30-3.D Signal Corps telephones, type EE-3, type EE-4, type EE-5 1
EBD W42.30-4.D Laying cable in forward area 1
EBD W42.30-6.D Trench line construction 1
EBD W42.30-7.D Signal Corps universal test set, type EE-65 1
EBD W42.30-10.D Wire axis installation and maintenance within division 1
EBD W42.30-11.D Elements of automatic telephone system 1