Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD W49.10-20.303 Amending C. & I. Circular No. 242; revoking C. & I. Circular No. 282 1
EBD W49.10-20.304 Amending C. & I. Circular No. 240; revoking C. & I. Circular No. 297 1
EBD W49.10-20.305 [Document not titled.] 1
EBD W49.10-21.1 Shipping, mariners and pilots; regulations and rules concerning, to be included in separate set of circulars; announcing purpose, and establishing file of 1
EBD W49.10-21.1 to W49.10-21.106 Customs marine circulars of Bureau of Customs, Philippines 1
EBD W49.10-21.10 Pilotage; regulation and fees at all ports; board to investigate with view to revision of 1
EBD W49.10-21.100 Pilotage and pilotage fees; amending Paragraph XXV of Customs Marine Circular No. 99 1
EBD W49.10-21.101 Prescribing regulations for government wharf at Zamboanga, known as "Barrios Wharf" 1
EBD W49.10-21.102 Providing regulations for, and prescribing courses to be taken by, vessels entering and leaving Manila Bay, Customs Marine Circular 65 superseded 1
EBD W49.10-21.103 Lighters, lorchas, and similar craft; designating anchorages for, in Manila harbor 1
EBD W49.10-21.104 [Document not titled.] 1
EBD W49.10-21.106 Index to Customs Marine Circulars 1
EBD W49.10-21.11 Pilotage Decision in re compulsory at port of Iloilo; publishing extracts from. 1
EBD W49.10-21.12 Harbor regulations, decision of Supreme Court sustaining existing regulations published 1
EBD W49.10-21.13 Marine examinations; prescribing regulations for guidance of board in examining applicants for positions of master, mate, patron, and engineer of seagoing vessels in Philippine coastwise trade; 2. Licensed officers; prescribing number to be carried on coastwise vessels; 3. Penal tonnage; prescribing manner of collection 1
EBD W49.10-21.14 Fees for admeasurement of vessels 1
EBD W49.10-21.15 Hospital ships; exemption of, in time of war from dues and taxes on vessels 1
EBD W49.10-21.16 Signal letters and official numbers assigned to seagoing vessels of Philippine Islands; additional list of, published 1
EBD W49.10-21.18 Pilotage and pilotage fees; special regulations and rates 1
EBD W49.10-21.19 Foreign trade; prescribing rules and regulations for (1) entrance, and (2) clearance of vessels in; also method of clearance of foreign vessels, to and from certain ports in Philippines not ports of entry 1