EBD W5.4-47.9
Instructions to chief commissaries of territorial divisions within limits of U.S |
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EBD W5.4-48.1
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W5.4-48.2
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W5.4-48.3
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W5.4-48.4
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W5.4-48.5
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W5.5-4
Manual for Army cooks, 1910 |
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EBD W502-2
How to feed an army [compilation of responses to circular issued by commissary-general, June 1, 1865; with listings of military divisions and data] |
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EBD W502-3
Letter of R. MacFeely, Commissary-General of Subsistence [to commission for reform and reorganization of Army, containing opinions and suggestions concerning changes in organization of Army] |
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EBD W502-4
List of books relative to duties of Subsistence Department |
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EBD W502-5
Bread and bread making |
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EBD W502-6
Notes on bread making, permanent and field ovens, and bakehouses, with extracts from notes on flour |
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EBD W502-7
Practical instructions in bread-making |
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EBD W502-9
Notes upon subject of butter and cheese |
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EBD W502-10
Camp fires and camp cooking, or culinary hints for soldier, including receipt for making bread in "portable field oven" furnished by Subsistence Department |
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EBD W502-11
Notes on canned goods |
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EBD W502-12
Cattle and cattle feeding |
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EBD W502-13
Notes on ventilation of cellars, with designs |
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EBD W502-16 to W502-17
Recipes used in cooking schools, U.S. Army |
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EBD W502-18
Letter from J. C. McKee to S. Breck, assistant adjutant general, enclosing diet tables and recipes for Army hospitals |
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