EBD W77.4-11.14
Requirements table for subsistence stores and forage |
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EBD W77.4-11.15
Freight and passenger land-grant equalization agreements and passenger military arrangement, together with list of carriers participating |
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EBD W77.4-11.16
Status of Seattle Quartermaster Intermediate Depot |
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EBD W77.4-11.17
Furnishing quartermaster supplies and equipment to Reserve Officers Training Corps |
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EBD W77.4-11.18
Transportation charges on shipments consigned to U.S. district engineers |
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EBD W77.4-11.19
Decision of Comptroller General relative to cost of packing and crating |
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EBD W77.4-11.2
Storage of motor-vehicle equipment pertaining to Quartermaster Corps |
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EBD W77.4-11.20
Shipments to or through Portland, Oreg |
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EBD W77.4-11.21
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W77.4-11.22
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W77.4-11.23
Collection of claims |
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EBD W77.4-11.24
Computation of overhead cost in operation of sales stores |
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EBD W77.4-11.25
Shipments to Fort Howard, Md |
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EBD W77.4-11.26
Issue of artillery harness |
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EBD W77.4-11.27
Shipments to Camp Holabird, Md |
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EBD W77.4-11.28
Channels of military correspondence |
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EBD W77.4-11.29
Transportation via Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co., Baltimore Steam Packet Co., and Chesapeake Steamship Co |
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EBD W77.4-11.3
[Document not titled.] |
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EBD W77.4-11.30
Funds for organized reserves |
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EBD W77.4-11.4
Schedule of land-grant and bond-aided railroads of U.S., and instructions concerning settlement of accounts over such roads, with compendium of U.S. laws showing conditions of grants or subsidies |
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