Call Number (LC) Title Results
ECE/CP.TEIA/33 Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents as amended on 15 December 2015 = Convention sur les effets transfrontières des accidents industriels telle que modifiée le 15 décembre 2015 = Konvenii︠a︡ o transgranichnom vozdeĭstvii promyshlennykh avariĭ s popravkami. 1
ECE/CP.TEIA/ 33 2017 Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents as amended on 15 December 2015 = Convention sur les effets transfrontières des accidents industriels telle que modifiée le 15 décembre 2015 = Konvenii︠a︡ o transgranichnom vozdeĭstvii promyshlennykh avariĭ s popravkami. 1
ECE/CP.TEIA/35 Guidance on land-use planning, the siting of hazardous activities and related safety aspects / 2
ECE/CP.TEIA/ 35 2018 Guidance on land-use planning, the siting of hazardous activities and related safety aspects / 2
ECE/CP.TEIA/39 Implementation guide for Central Asia on the UNECE Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents / 2
ECE/CP.TEIA/ 39 2019 Implementation guide for Central Asia on the UNECE Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents / 2
ECE/CP.TEIA/40 Safety guidelines and good practices for the management and retention of firefighting water. 1
ECE/CP.TEIA/ 40 2019 Safety guidelines and good practices for the management and retention of firefighting water. 1
ECE/CP.TEIA/ 40 2019- ECE/MP.WAT/ 58 2019 Safety guidelines and good practices for the management and retention of firefighting water. 1
ECE/DEAP/NONE/97/1 Economic bulletin for Europe / 1
ECE/DEAP/PAU/97/1 Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : standard country report, Sweden / 1
ECE/EAD/ 2005/7 Sustaining growth in a resource-based economy : the main issues and the specific case of Russia / 1
ECE/EAD/ 2006/1 Welfare policies in the UNECE region : why so different? / 1
ECE/EAD/2006/1 Welfare policies in the UNECE region : why so different? / 1
ECE/EAD/PAU/00/12 Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region, standard country report. 1
ECE/EAD/PAU/00/13 Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : standard country report, Portugal / 1
ECE/EAD/PAU/00/15 Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Switzerland / 1
ECE/EAD/PAU/ 00/15 2002 Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Switzerland / 1
ECE/EAD/PAU/00/16 Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region, standard country report. 1
ECE/EAD/PAU/01/2 Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region, standard country report. 1