Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region, standard country report. |
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Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region. comparable FFS-data / |
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Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : standard country report : Greece / |
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Population in Europe and North America on the eve of the millen[n]ium : dynamics and policy responses : Regional Population Meeting, 7-9 December 1998, Budapest, Hungary. |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 99/4 1999
Population in Europe and North America on the eve of the millen[n]ium : dynamics and policy responses : Regional Population Meeting, 7-9 December 1998, Budapest, Hungary. |
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Conclusions : Regional Population Meeting, 7-9 December 1998, Budapest, Hungary / |
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Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Finland / |
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Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region, standard country report. |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 2000/13
Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : standard country report, Portugal / |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 2002/4
Dynamics of fertility and partnership in Europe : insights and lessons from comparative research / |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 2003/1
Ageing populations : opportunities and challenges for Europe and North America / |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 2003/ 2
Population ageing and socio-economic status of older persons in Estonia / |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 2003/3
Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Latvia / |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 2004/1
Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Lithuania / |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 2005/1
The new demographic regime : population challenges and policy responses / |
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ECE/EAD/PAU/ 2006/1
Generations & Gender Programme : survey instruments / |
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Generations & Gender Programme : survey instruments / |
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Strategies and policies for air pollution abatement / |
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Air-borne sulphur pollution : effects and control : report prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution / |
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ECE/EB/AIR/ 2 1984
Air-borne sulphur pollution : effects and control : report prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution / |
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