Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.302:T 22/20 An evaluation of the data from the teacher compensation survey school year 2006-07 : research and development report / 1
ED 1.302:T 23 Let's use TV! 1
ED 1.302:T 28 Testing and evaluation in schools : practitioners' views / 1
ED 1.302:T 28/2 Analysis of test score trends : implications for secondary school policy--a caution to secondary school administrators / 1
ED 1.302:T 28/3 Testing in our schools : proceedings of the NIE Invitational Conference on Test Use / 1
ED 1.302:T 28/4 The standardized test scores of college graduates, 1964-1982 / 1
ED 1.302:T 48 Time in the classroom. 1
ED 1.302:T 61 NAEP tools on the Web
NAEP tools on the Web /
ED 1.302:T 64 Tourists in our own land : cultural literacies and the college curriculum / 2
ED 1.302:T 68 State of the art : transforming ideas for teaching and learning mathematics / 1
ED 1.302:T 68/2 State of the art : transforming ideas for teaching and learning science : a guide for elementary science education / 1
ED 1.302:T 68/3 State of the art : transforming ideas for teaching and learning to read / 1
ED 1.302:T 68/4 Transforming ideas for teaching and learning the arts / 1
ED 1.302:T 68/5 America's youth transitions to adulthood / 1
ED 1.302:T 72 NAEP 1996 trends in writing : fluency and writing conventions : holistic and mechanics scores in 1984 and 1996 / 1
ED 1.302:T 72/2 Trends in high school dropout and completion rates in the United States, 1972-2008 compendium report / 1
ED 1.302:T 72/2/2011 Trends in high school dropout and completion rates in the United States, 1972-2009 compendium report / 1
ED1.302:T64 Tourists in our own land : cultural literacies and the college curriculum / 1
ED 1.302:UN 2 A decade of undergraduate student aid 1989-90 to 1999-2000 / 1
ED 1.302:UN 8 A parallel postsecondary universe the certification system in information technology / 1