ED 1.310/2:303977
Instructional factors that influence student achievemment [i.e. achievement] an integrative review / |
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ED 1.310/2:303978
The qualitative nature of instruction for mentally retarded, learning disabled, and emotionally disturbed elementary students in special education settings / |
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ED 1.310/2:303979
Student-teacher ratios for mildly handicapped children in special education settings |
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ED 1.310/2:303984
National directory of organizations serving parents of children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders |
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ED 1.310/2:303985
Respite care an annotated bibliography / |
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ED 1.310/2:303987
Replicating jobs in business and industry for persons with disabilities / |
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ED 1.310/2:303988
The transition experiences of youth with disabilities a report from the National Longitudinal Transition Study / |
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ED 1.310/2:303989
Educational programs and achievements of secondary special education students findings from the National Longitudinal Transition Study / |
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ED 1.310/2:303990
Dropouts the relationship of student characteristics, behaviors, and performance for special education students / |
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ED 1.310/2:303991
Making the transition an explanatory model of special education students' participation in postsecondary education / |
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ED 1.310/2:304024
Proficiency testing in the less commonly taught languages / |
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ED 1.310/2:304036
High school and beyond national longitudinal study postsecondary enrollment, persistence, and attainment for 1972, 1980, and 1982 high school graduates / Eva Eagle, C. Dennis Carroll. |
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ED 1.310/2:304041
Critical thinking : theory, research, practice, and possibilities / |
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ED 1.310/2:304111
Delivery systems for distance education / |
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ED 1.310/2:304112
The wired campus / |
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ED 1.310/2:304170
Community college foundation |
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ED 1.310/2:304241
Beyond language : social and cultural factors in schooling language minority students / |
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ED 1.310/2:304259
Toward more effective education for poor, minority students in rural areas what the research suggests / |
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ED 1.310/2:304338
Teaching thinking and problem solving an annotated bibliography on thinking skills in mathematics / |
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ED 1.310/2:304339
A catalog of successful math programs across Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina |
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