ED 1.310/2:312810
An Examination of special education decision making with Hispanic first-time referrals in large urban school districts final report, longitudinal study I report / |
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ED 1.310/2:312811
Performance of Hispanic educable mentally retarded, learning disabled, and nonclassified students on the WISC-RM, SOMPA, and S-KABC final report, short-term study one / |
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ED 1.310/2:312821
PROJECT TRAIN the final report of the project TRAIN, 1985-1988. |
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ED 1.310/2:312827
Project MAP model accounting plan for special education : final report / |
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ED 1.310/2:312833
A Parent's guide to accessing parent groups, community services, and to keeping records |
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ED 1.310/2:312838
Computer access in higher education for students with disabilities a practical guide to the selection and use of adapted computer technology / |
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ED 1.310/2:312847
Alabama School for the Blind Fitness and Nutrition Project |
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ED 1.310/2:312848
Field initiated research a field based study of the effects of an educational program on school adjustment of mildly handicapped secondary school students : final report / |
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ED 1.310/2:312857
Use of the behavioral interview for target behavior specification in collaboration and consultation / |
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ED 1.310/2:312862
A Survey of current status on implementation of infants and toddlers legislation (P.L. 99-457, Part H) |
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ED 1.310/2:312874
First years together a curriculum for use in interventions with high risk infants and their families : project enlightenment / |
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ED 1.310/2:312913
A selected state-level education data base |
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ED 1.310/2:313036
National Institute on Library Service to jail populations final report. |
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ED 1.310/2:313052
The impact of automation on libraries final report / |
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ED 1.310/2:313053
A network approach to non-print media cataloging for schools a report of an Indiana Department of Public Instruction and Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority (INCOLSA) : project using the OCLC system : final report / |
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ED 1.310/2:313054
Public library information and referral project Phase II / |
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ED 1.310/2:313168
Family living suggestions for effective parenting / |
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ED 1.310/2:313191
The education of the immigrant and ethnic child in Canada |
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ED 1.310/2:313198
Working in Appalachia |
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ED 1.310/2:313199
Building partnerships for people addressing the rural South's human capital needs : a report of the Task Force on Alternatives for Leadership and Human Resource Development in Rural Communities in the South. |
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