Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.310/2:384007 Taking books home a check-out system for the primary grades / 1
ED 1.310/2:384008 Assessing motivation to read 1
ED 1.310/2:384009 Toward a social constructivist reconceptualization of intrinsic motivation for literacy learning 1
ED 1.310/2:384010 Dimensions of children's motivations for reading an initial study / 1
ED 1.310/2:384011 Middle- and high-school students' perceptions of how they experience text-based discussions a multicase study / 1
ED 1.310/2:384012 The effect of a literature-based program integrated into literacy and science instruction on achievement, use, and attitudes toward literacy and science 1
ED 1.310/2:384013 Poor readers don't image, or do they? 1
ED 1.310/2:384014 Sixth-grade researchers posing questions, finding information, and writing a report / 1
ED 1.310/2:384015 A survey of instructional practices of primary teachers nominated as effective in promoting literacy 1
ED 1.310/2:384017 Read*write*now! activities for reading and writing fun. 1
ED 1.310/2:384018 Read*write*now! play on paper a funbook for preparing to read and write. 1
ED 1.310/2:384050 Multimedia and response-based literature teaching and learning a critical review of commercial applications / 1
ED 1.310/2:384068 Revealing the teacher-as-reader a framework for discussion and learning / 1
ED 1.310/2:384069 Writing children reinventing the development of childhood literacy / 1
ED 1.310/2:384070 Nerds, normal people, and homeboys Asian American students and the language of school success / 1
ED 1.310/2:384072 Language diversity and language arts 1
ED 1.310/2:384095 Goals 2000 a progress report. 1
ED 1.310/2:384096 Use of school choice 1
ED 1.310/2:384097 Extracurricular participation and student engagement 1
ED 1.310/2:384120 Parent involvement contracts in California's charter schools strategy for educational improvement or method of exclusion? / 1