ED 1.310/2:402472
Adult education social change or status quo? / |
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ED 1.310/2:402473
Community involvement in K-12 career education |
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ED 1.310/2:402474
Career resilience |
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ED 1.310/2:402475
Adult literacy education emerging directions in program development / |
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ED 1.310/2:402513
Literacy of older adults in America results from the National Adult Literacy Survey / |
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ED 1.310/2:402546
Teaching reading in the content areas if not me, then who? teacher's manual / |
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ED 1.310/2:402551
Read*write*now! just add kids : a resource directory of learning partners, reading sites, and other literacy organizations that serve children and their families. |
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ED 1.310/2:402554
Teachers' perceptions and students' literacy motivations |
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ED 1.310/2:402555
Complexities of a collaborative inquiry community mentor teachers' growth within a High School English Teacher Education Program / |
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ED 1.310/2:402556
Learning from science text role of an elaborate analogy / |
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ED 1.310/2:402557
Perceptions of roles and relationships in the school library a national survey of teachers, administrators, and library media specialists / |
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ED 1.310/2:402558
Portfolios across educational contexts issue of evaluation, teacher development and system validity / |
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ED 1.310/2:402559
Findings from a yearlong job exchange a mentor teacher's Bill of Rights in teacher education / |
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ED 1.310/2:402560
Partial word knowledge and vocabulary growth during reading comprehension |
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ED 1.310/2:402561
The inside and outside of teacher research reflections on having one foot in both worlds / |
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ED 1.310/2:402562
The motivation to write profile an assessment tool for elementary teachers / |
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ED 1.310/2:402570
Reading literacy in an international perspective collected papers from the IEA Reading Literacy Study / |
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ED 1.310/2:402571
Quality and utility the 1994 trial state assessment in reading : the fourth report of the National Academy of Education Panel on the Evaluation of the NAEP Trial State Assessment : 1994 trial state assessment in reading. |
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ED 1.310/2:402600
Making the paths constructing multicultural texts and critical-narrative discourse in literature-history classes / |
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ED 1.310/2:402620
On exclusion and inclusion in classroom texts and talk |
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