Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.310/2:409206 The Secretary's second conference on math and science improving math and science teaching : to be "--first in the world in science and mathematics--." 1
ED 1.310/2:409214 CD-ROMs and laserdiscs for science 1
ED 1.310/2:409247 Why me? why my classroom? equity in coed math and science classes / 1
ED 1.310/2:409248 Teacher strategies that work for girls and boys 1
ED 1.310/2:409249 Whose responsibility is it? the role of administrators and counselors / 1
ED 1.310/2:409250 Girls are-- boys myths, stereotypes, and gender differences / 1
ED 1.310/2:409269 E-mail survey of the Interdisciplinary Teamed Instruction (ITI) listserv discussion group exploratory study of an electronic community of learners / 1
ED 1.310/2:409316 Drug abuse prevention school-based strategies that work / 1
ED 1.310/2:409317 Collaboration between general and special education teachers 1
ED 1.310/2:409371 Bibliography of assessment alternatives portfolios. 1
ED 1.310/2:409383 NAEP 1996 trends in academic progress achievement of U.S. students in science, 1969 to 1996, mathematics, 1973 to 1996, reading, 1971 to 1996, writing, 1984 to 1996 / 1
ED 1.310/2:409442 Arts and humanities in adult and continuing education 1
ED 1.310/2:409443 A new focus for allied health occupations 1
ED 1.310/2:409444 A new look at older adults 1
ED 1.310/2:409455 Profiles of school-to-work activities, by state 1
ED 1.310/2:409470  
ED 1.310/2:409482 Skill standards for open cut pipe laying 1
ED 1.310/2:409506 School violence during early adolescence 1
ED 1.310/2:409534 Asking the right questions reading assignments that works for writing / 1
ED 1.310/2:409557 Whole language and adult education 1