Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.310/2:422612 Motivating today's students the same old stuff just doesn't work / 1
ED 1.310/2:422634 Alternative schools caring for kids on the edge. 1
ED 1.310/2:422645 The charter school roadmap 1
ED 1.310/2:422646 How to file a discrimination complaint with the Office for Civil Rights 1
ED 1.310/2:422654 The corporate imperative results and benefits of business involvement in education : executive summary / 1
ED 1.310/2:422671 Protecting students from harassment and hate crime a guide for schools / 1
ED 1.310/2:422672 Preparation of leadership personnel combined deaf education/learning disabilities : final performance report : budget and award year, 1993-1997. 1
ED 1.310/2:422676 The development of the obsessive-compulsive disorder school impact scale an investigation using the accuracy-reliability paradigm for scale validation / 1
ED 1.310/2:422677  
ED 1.310/2:422680 Partners in transition preparing transition specialists : final report / 1
ED 1.310/2:422684 Schools and communities a potent partnership for development of a transition system / 1
ED 1.310/2:422686 Making school to work opportunities happen for youth with disabilities 1
ED 1.310/2:422689 Programs for young children with disabilities under IDEA excerpts from the nineteenth annual report to Congress on the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act by the U.S. Department of Education (1997) 1
ED 1.310/2:422690 Assistive technology training for occupational therapy final performance report. 1
ED 1.310/2:422691 Retention of special education professionals a practical guide of strategies and activities for educators and administrators / 1
ED 1.310/2:422693 Chartbook on work and disability in the United States, 1998 1
ED 1.310/2:422701 Eligibility policies and practices for young children under Part B of IDEA 1
ED 1.310/2:422705 Autism training sourcebook 1
ED 1.310/2:422708 Information package on disability studies 1
ED 1.310/2:422709 Report of the Office of Special Education Programs 8th annual Technical Assistance and Dissemination Conference, March 2 - March 4, 1998. 1