Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.602:R 22/6/EXEC.SUM. Effectiveness of selected supplemental reading comprehension interventions impacts on a first cohort of fifth-grade students : executive summary / 1
ED 1.602:R 22/7 The impact of a reading intervention for low-literate adult ESL learners 1
ED 1.602:R 22/EXEC.SUM The Enhanced Reading Opportunities study early impact and implementation findings : executive summary / 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/2 The evaluation of enhanced academic instruction in after-school programs. 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/2/EXEC.SUM The evaluation of enhanced academic instruction in after-school programs. 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/3 The evaluation of enhanced academic instruction in after-school programs. 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/3/EXEC.SUM The evaluation of enhanced academic instruction in after-school programs. 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/4 Middle school mathematics professional development impact study findings after the first year of implementation / 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/4/EXEC.SUM Middle school mathematics professional development impact study findings after the first year of implementation : executive summary / 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/4/EXEC.SUM. Middle school mathematics professional development impact study findings after the first year of implementation : executive summary / 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/4/YEAR 2 Middle school mathematics professional development impact study findings after the second year of implementation / 1
ED 1.602:SCH 6/4/YEAR 2/EXEC.SUM Middle school mathematics professional development impact study : findings after the second year of implementation. 1
ED 1.602:SP 3 Special education enrollment and classification in Louisiana charter schools and traditional schools / 1
ED 1.602:T 22/2 Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction final results from a randomized controlled study / 1
ED 1.602:T 22/2/EXEC.SUM Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction : results from the first year of a randomized controlled study : executive summary /
Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction final results from a randomized controlled study /
ED 1.602:T 22/3 Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction : results from the second year of a randomized controlled study / 1
ED 1.602:T 22/3/EXEC.SUM Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction : results from the second year of a randomized controlled study : executive summary / 1
ED 1.602:T 22/4 Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction : results from the first year of a randomized controlled study / 1
ED 1.602:V 85 The effectiveness of a program to accelerate vocabulary development in kindergarten (VOCAB) : kindergarten final evaluation report / 1
ED 1.608:AD 7 Improving adolescent literacy effective classroom and intervention practices / 1