Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED001539 Toward a working typology of delinquent children 1
ED001540 Coeducation - a contributing factor in miseducation of the disadvantaged 1
ED001541 Statement on s. 1566, the juvenile delinquency and youth offences control act of 1961 1
ED001542 Mobilization for youth, fact sheet no. 1, objectives and programs 1
ED001543 Intergroup relations. a resource handbook for elementary school teachers, grades 4, 5, and 6 1
ED001544 Basic test of reading comprehension 1
ED001545 Longitudinal analysis of pupil progress in a public school 1
ED001546 Negro and other minority group contributions to world and American history 1
ED001547 Mobilization for youth in New York City 1
ED001548 The world of education and the board of education city of New York. progress report 1
ED001549 Mobilization for youth, fact sheet no. 2, program participation 1
ED001550 Mfy mobilization for youth, inc., news bulletin. 1
ED001551 Bibliography of papers published, unpublished and presented at conferences 1
ED001552 The education and socially disadvantaged children and youth a brief introduction and bibliography. 1
ED001553 What makes things go 1
ED001556 Proceeding of the third annual spring workshop for visiting teachers. theme the challenge of the dropout - new horizons in education in the sixties / 1
ED001557 Who am i. who cares. the challenge of culturally alienated youth 1
ED001558 Prevention and correction of underachievement 1
ED001559 Cultural diversity. library and audio-visual materials for in-service education 1
ED001560 Intergroup education. Seattle public schools 1