Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED001918 Education of the deaf, a report to the secretary of health, education, and welfare by his advisory committee on the education of the deaf 1
ED001919 Curriculum guide for industrial arts, grades nine through twelve. volume one, general shop, graphic arts, woodworking 1
ED001920 English, junior year, second semester. high school television series, seminar 63 / 1
ED001921 Dixie teachers report their pupils learn well in mixed-race schools. negro students lag at first but study hard to catch up with whites, they say 1
ED001922 Faculty in white and negro colleges 1
ED001923 The treatment of minorities, guidelines for textbook selection 1
ED001924 The treatment of minorities in secondary schools textbooks 1
ED001925 Suggested guidelines for providing for the maximal education of children of all races and creeds in the schools of Michigan 1
ED001926 Token desegregation and beyond 1
ED001927 Catholic schools the quiet revolution / 1
ED001928 Some questions and answers on the civil rights bill 1
ED001929 The st. Louis story, the integration of a public school system 1
ED001930 Civil rights, u.s.a. public schools southern states, 1963, North Carolina / 1
ED001931 Desegregation in the Baltimore city schools 1
ED001932 School integration in New York City 1964-1965, questions and answers. 1
ED001933 School superintendents conference on the practical problems of public school desegregation 1
ED001934 Desegregating the public schools of New York City 1
ED001935 Conference of large city boards of education of New York state, an analysis of the educational and financial needs of large cities in n.y. state with recommendations for revision of the state aid formulas 1
ED001936 Racial integration and the social adjustment of public school children. progress report for the period June 1955 - January 1956 1
ED001937 Race and equal education opportunity in protland's public schools, a report to the board of education, multnomah school district no. 1 1