Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED003282 Programmed materials in high school correspondence courses 1
ED003283 An investigation of the effect of an enriched basic liberal arts program on the educational development of the junior college liberal arts transfer student 1
ED003284 Performance measures of physicians 1
ED003285 Thinking in elementary school children 1
ED003286 Stimulus synthesis in normal and retarded subjects 1
ED003287 Use of basic reference sources in libraries 1
ED003288 Relationship between self-concepts of negro elementary-school children and their academic achievement, intelligence, interests, and manifest anxiety 1
ED003289 Development of a k scale for a motivational test battery 1
ED003290 The use of a computer to design school bus routes 1
ED003291 Construction of educational theory models 1
ED003292 An evaluation of high school mathematics programmed texts when used with deaf students 1
ED003293 Mental abilities of children in different social and cultural groups 1
ED003294 Improving academic achievement through students' self-concept enhancement self-concept of ability and school achievement, ii / 1
ED003295 Computer grading of physics laboratory reports 1
ED003296 Changes in critical thinking ability, attitudes, and values associated with college attendance 1
ED003297 Use of radiophonic teaching in fundamental education 1
ED003298 Construction and standardization of a battery of braille skill tests 1
ED003299 Arithmetical abstractions the movement toward conceptual maturity under differing systems of instruction / 1
ED003300 Education and marginality in the communal society of the hutterites 1
ED003301 Transfer through verbal cueing in concept identification 1