Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED010066 Effect of extrinsic rewards on motivation 1
ED010067 Effects of geographic mobility on performance in high school 1
ED010068 Classroom teaching and learning as a complex interactional game 1
ED010069 Conference on home economics program development for disadvantaged youth and their families 1
ED010070 A process for determining vocational competencies for the performance of nine essential activities for sales personnel in the feed industry, and the loci at which the competencies could be taught 1
ED010071 An exploratory study of knowledges in child development and guidance needed by mothers and workers in occupations related to child care 1
ED010072 The use of follow-up studies in the evaluation of vocational education 1
ED010073 Conditions of participation in a public affairs adult education program, a developmental study 1
ED010074 A developmental program for vocational counselors directed toward serving disadvantaged youth more effectively 1
ED010075 Conference on methods of increasing student achievement in technical preparatory programs 1
ED010076 Career simulation for sixth grade pupils 1
ED010077 Life career game, player's manual 1
ED010078 Conference on the use of printed and audio-visual materials for instructional purposes 1
ED010079 A study of the effects of room temperature on learning 1
ED010080 Major trends in interdenominational adult education, 1936-1964 1
ED010081 An experimental study in the use of programed materials for seventh-grade open-ended laboratory experiences 1
ED010082 Inservice design for a small school district 1
ED010083 An inter-disciplinary approach to improving the development of culturally disadvantaged children 1
ED010084 A pilot research study of art facilities in six colleges and universities 1
ED010085 Social science education consortium research and development for grades k-12 / 1