Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED010182 A report of the invitational conference on implementing career development theory and research through the curriculum 1
ED010183 Conference on research for public school speech and hearing personnel 1
ED010184 A study of psychological patterns in learning elementary mathematics 1
ED010185 A study to determine how counseling procedures can be used to help students make decisions and plans more effectively 1
ED010186 Relationships among learning, practice, and recall, final report 1
ED010187 Teacher evaluation as a measure of pupil performance 1
ED010188 Doctoral graduates in education. an inquiry into their motives, aspirations, and perceptions of the program 1
ED010189 Determining excellence quotient for liberal arts college libraries 1
ED010190 The identification of common courses in paramedical education 1
ED010191 Relations between teacher practice and knowledge of reading theory in selected grade school classes 1
ED010192 Career patterns analysis of a selected group of former vocational teachers 1
ED010193 Factors affecting pitch discrimination 1
ED010194 A preliminary analysis of an observation schedule designed to identify the teacher-classroom variables which facilitate pupil creative growth 1
ED010195 Office and business education teacher training clinics 1
ED010196 Self-control in children 1
ED010198 Relationship between holland vocational inventory scores and performance measures of high school students 1
ED010199 Prompting as an instructional variable in classroom simulation, final report 1
ED010200 A nonverbal hearing test for children with deafness 1
ED010201 Concept learning and problem solving a bibliography, 1950-64 / 1
ED010202 The effects on achievement test results of varying conditions of experimental atmosphere, notice of test, test administration, and test scoring 1