Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED011049 Modification of teaching practices and course content in high school psychology. final report 1
ED011050 A procedural and cost analysis study of media in instructional systems development. quarterly technical report 1
ED011051 The effectiveness of three motivational methods (media, subject matter, and combination motivations) in an art program in the elementary grades 1
ED011052 Pilot vocational teacher training institute in dental assisting, August 1966 1
ED011054 A comparative study of the educational environment and the educational outcomes in an underground school, a windowless school and conventional schools 1
ED011055 Educational research and the liberal arts 1
ED011056 Cross-cultural study of the relationship between the social desirability variable and personality variables 1
ED011057 Exploratory type of evaluation of TV training of elementary mathematics teachers. final report 1
ED011058 An analysis of selected programs for the training of civil rights and community leaders in the south 1
ED011059 A comparison between two kinds of secondary mathematics courses with respect to intellectual changes 1
ED011060 The preparation of youth for effective occupational utilization, the role of the secondary school in the preparation of youth for employment 1
ED011061 A developmental program for the improvement of trade-technical teacher education in the southern states 1
ED011062 Minnesota coordination unit for research and development in occupational education 1
ED011063 Improving the teaching of art appreciation, research and development team for the improvement of teaching art appreciation in the secondary schools 1
ED011064 Differences in aims of high school and college teachers of chemistry 1
ED011065 Programed reading instruction for culturally deprived slow learners 1
ED011066 A demonstration project of programed television instruction 1
ED011067 Iowa school bond issues, data book 1
ED011068 Research and development in vocational and technical education non-metropolitan areas / 1