Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED011284 Improving vocational-technical education in the top o' Michigan area 1
ED011285 A study of vocational agriculture in the schools of the Phoenix union high school system 1
ED011286 The development of a work orientation program for home economics related occupations, 1964-1966 1
ED011287 Personnel needs and supply in vocational technical education above local teacher level 1
ED011288 Outlook by Denver area occupations. occupations in Colorado, part ii 1
ED011289 A comparison of mail-technIQues for stimulating interest in occupational education research 1
ED011290 Estimating the human resources for research in occupational education in Minnesota 1
ED011291 Problems of implementing agricultural occupations programs in twenty-eight selected vocational agriculture departments 1
ED011292 Michigan vocational-technical education r and d needs survey. final report 1
ED011293 Research in home economics gainful employment, five pilot projects in Mississippi, 1965-66. preliminary report number 15 1
ED011294 State board for vocational education student follow-up research proposal 1
ED011295 Teacher perception of principals' views on vocational education 1
ED011296 Vocational core program 1
ED011297 A study of the diffusion process of vocational education innovations 1
ED011298 Annual estimated replacement farmer opportunities in Nebraska 1
ED011299 A continuation of the 1963 high school graduates follow-up study 1
ED011300 Priority problems in vocational education for the nation's big cities, research training institute (Denver, December 5-9, 1966) 1
ED011301 Bibliography on creativity 1
ED011302 Bibliography on mental ability 1
ED011303 Bibliography on learning process. supplement ii 1