Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED011336 Sociological aspects of personality change a study of mental hospitalization / 1
ED011337 Second-order problems in studies of perceptual development 1
ED011338 Problems of measuring speech rate 1
ED011339 Plasticity of sensorimotor development in the human infant 1
ED011340 Comprehensive vocationally oriented psychotherapy for adolescent delinquent boys a follow-up study / 1
ED011341 Case studies of children's thinking about social phenomena 1
ED011342 The university and the state a comparative study / 1
ED011343 Organization types and role strains an experimental study of complex organizations / 1
ED011344 Treating diverse measures of ability in institutional research 1
ED011345 An exploratory investigation of selected student types at three university of California campuses, a preliminary report 1
ED011346 The "free speech" crises at Berkeley, 1964-1965 some issues for social and legal research / 1
ED011347 State level governance of California junior colleges 1
ED011348 The center for research and development in higher education. annual report, 1965-1966 1
ED011349 Big city dropouts and illiterates 1
ED011350 Curriculum development through school and university collaboration. the Pittsburgh curriculum continuity demonstration, 4 1
ED011351 The first three years of aerj 1
ED011353 A study of the educational needs of adults in Wyoming, a study of post-high school educational programs and needs in Wyoming 1
ED011354 Adult basic education, evaluation through research 1
ED011356 Dropout rates 1
ED011357 Continuing employment through training 1