Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED012066 Interpersonal attitudes of adolescents. interim report 1
ED012067 An experimental study of the effects of tape listening on certain modes of functioning in student counselors 1
ED012069 Peer acceptance-rejection and personality development 1
ED012070 Preventive action in college mental health 1
ED012071 Concepts employed by accurate and inaccurate clinicians 1
ED012072 Fifteen pilot programs in elementary guidance in the state of Indiana 1965-66 1
ED012073 Standard versus individualized hierarchies in desensitization to reduce test anxiety 1
ED012074 The school counsellor in a changing society 1
ED012075 Self-concept of the school counsellor 1
ED012076 A proposed model and research design for pupil personnel services in the public schools, monograph 1 1
ED012077 Guidance research in action, group counseling with parents, monograph 2 1
ED012078 Using personality measures with college students 1
ED012079 The millenium preparation programs for elementary school counselors of the future / 1
ED012080 Educational attainment of parents as related to students' feelings about self and family 1
ED012081 Parent and counselor perceptions of their participation in group counseling, monograph 3 1
ED012082 Predicting grades from below chance test scores 1
ED012083 Interpersonal relationships a review. Utah studies in vocational rehabilitation / 1
ED012084 Non-intellective predictors of achievement in college 1
ED012085 Interrelationships between counselor and teacher perceptions of their participation in group counseling 1
ED012086 Problems in the measurement and assessment of social maturity in the American adolescent 1