Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED012250 Nature centers and outdoor education facilities 1
ED012251 The new school science, a report to school administrators on regional orientation conferences in science 1
ED012252 The differential effect of interim testing in the use of an auto-instructional program in an area of general science for teachers 1
ED012253 A report on the second year, 1964-65, of the urban semester, a program in teacher education of the associated colleges of the midwest 1
ED012254 The elementary education selection research project 1
ED012256 A theoretical model for research in education 1
ED012259 After the peace corps the returnee career picture. 1
ED012260 Survey of the status of the teaching profession in the Americas 1
ED012261 The effect of training foreign language student teachers in interaction analysis 1
ED012262 Improving the language skills of "deprived" teachers 1
ED012263 The extended summer program, a two year summary 1
ED012265 Prejudging the success of an experimental project 1
ED012266 The relationship between teacher morale and organizational climate 1
ED012268 Report on the arts and humanities institutes of 1966 1
ED012269 Research information national, state, and local needs, roles and services as viewed by Kentucky local system district personnel. 1
ED012270 Institutional paternalism in high school 1
ED012272 Report on evaluation of pilot civics institutes, ndea 1966 1
ED012273 Variations in teachers' reinforcement style and imitative behavior of children differing in personality characteristics and social background 1
ED012274 Adapting teacher style to pupil differences teachers for disadvantaged children / 1
ED012275 Equality of educational opportunity 1