Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED012468 Implications of the diversity of college students 1
ED012469 Guidance in the elementary school 1
ED012470 A conceptual framework for the derivation of guidance objectives and outcome criteria preliminary statement / 1
ED012471 Criterion variables for the evaluation of guidance practices, a taxonomy of guidance objectives. national study of guidance, phase i, preliminary report 1
ED012472 Perceptions of the elementary school counselor 1
ED012473 Scope of pupil personnel services 1
ED012474 Parent-counselor contacts in a university setting incidental or incremental / 1
ED012475 Community involvement in the rehabilitation process a report on the cove program / 1
ED012476 Final report of the pilot elementary school guidance project in the berea city school district, 1966-67 1
ED012477 Final report of the experimental elementary guidance project in the kent State University school, 1966-67 1
ED012478 Changes in pupils' grade point averages between junior and senior high school as related to certain personal and environmental characteristics 1
ED012479 Differences in the cognitive functioning of normal, mentally retarded, and emotionally disturbed subjects implications for school relevant differential diagnosis / 1
ED012480 An age-specific school attendance profile for drop-out analysis 1
ED012481 An investigation into pure groups their characteristics and opportunities / 1
ED012482 A rationale for elementary school guidance 1
ED012483 How students use values in decision-making 1
ED012484 A position paper on the training of the elementary guidance worker 1
ED012485 Federal offenders rehabilitation program, a collaborative research to study the effectiveness of using vocational rehabilitation personnel and procedures as an additional resource in the correctional process 1
ED012486 A study of longitudinal patterns of failure among high school drop-outs and poorly performing graduates 1
ED012487 An examination of data on Iowa school children to determine patterns of performance and "downstream effects" of early depressed scores 1