Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED013254 An evaluation of the use of English institute materials center curriculum materials in ndea summer institutes in English 1
ED013255 Individualizing instruction in language arts through development and research in r and i units of local schools, 1965-1966 1
ED013256 The effectiveness of programed materials in English syntax and the relationship of selected variables to the learning concepts 1
ED013259 The impact of socially disadvantaged status on school learning and adjustment 1
ED013260 New concepts in guidance services 1
ED013261 Searching and salvaging talent among socially disadvantaged populations 1
ED013262 New programs and trends in guidance for socially disadvantaged youth 1
ED013263 Community resources in the guidance of socially disadvantaged youth 1
ED013267 A citizens' review board for teachers 1
ED013269 Teacher characteristics in selected middle and low income area schools of the Minneapolis public school system with particular reference to teacher retention. research report 1
ED013270 After-school program report 1964-65, a guide to conducting a community-wide compensatory education program based on the act experience / 1
ED013271 Case project contingencies applicable for special education. brief progress report / 1
ED013272 Proposal to provide assistance in training, testing, material development and evaluation to the New York City board "project camp." 1
ED013274 White attitudes toward the negro 1
ED013275 The role of the American negro in the fields of science. final report 1
ED013276 The long range effects of a language stimulation program upon negro educationally disadvantaged first grade children. final report 1
ED013277 Production of a motion picture for the in-service training of teachers in problems of human relations in teaching the socioeconomically disadvantaged and evaluation of the motion picture. final report 1
ED013278 Neutralizing the disinherited some psychological aspects of understanding the poor / 1
ED013279 Cognitive functioning and tolerance for delay of gratification 1
ED013280 Factor analyses of achievement measures from the educational opportunities survey 1