Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED013452 Serbo-croatian basic course, volume i, units 1-25 1
ED013453 Fula basic course 1
ED013455 Conversations in a negro American dialect 1
ED013456 Developmental career guidance in action, the first year 1
ED013457 Students with different vocational choices. a description of college freshmen, ii 1
ED013459 Organization of schools to provide academic aid and therapeutic counseling to disadvantaged children 1
ED013460 The effect of feedback training on accuracy of judgments 1
ED013461 School psychology past, present and future / 1
ED013462 Use and evaluation of occupational information materials 1
ED013463 The new role of the employment service in serving the disadvantaged 1
ED013464 A behavioral approach to group treatment of children 1
ED013466 School career adjustment patterns of children utilizing mental health services 1
ED013467 Development of a junior high school instrument for appraising social readiness for employment 1
ED013468 The treatment of disruptive classroom behavior problems by employment of a partial-milieu consistency program. final report 1
ED013469 Personal and circumstantial factors influencing the act of discovery 1
ED013470 The prediction of creativity and academic achievement from a concrete perceptual-cognitive task 1
ED013471 Age, sex, and IQ differences in performance on a concrete perceptual-cognitive task 1
ED013472 Decrement in children's cognitive performance as a consequence of information overload 1
ED013473 School and family background correlates of children's school anxiety 1
ED013474 The reliability and validity of the new harris-goodenough draw-a-man test 1