Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED013671 An appraisal of possibilities for a head start program among the potawatomi Indians of Kansas. Indian communities and project head start 1
ED013673 Report and recommendations of the consultation on services to children in the east coast migrant stream, (lake byrd conference center, avon park, Florida, February 1-3, 1965) 1
ED013674 The nonprofessional worker in youth employment programs 1
ED013675 Reality, responsibility and respect in the education of children from families who follow the crops 1
ED013676 Farm workers in a specialized seasonal crop area, stanislaus county, California 1
ED013678 Quality education for appalachia, a title iv regional educational laboratory. final report 1
ED013679 Farm labor organizing 1905-1967, a brief history 1
ED013680 Texas state department of health migrant project. annual report 1
ED013681 State of California migrant master plan 1
ED013682 Text of statement presented to U.S. senate sub-committee on employment, manpower and poverty 1
ED013683 Fostering and reinforcing innovative behavior in selected school personnel, a monograph of selected papers presented at two institutes (Tucson, summer and fall, 1966) 1
ED013684 Program plans for far west laboratory for educational research and development, March 1, 1967 1
ED013685 A pilot study to determine the influence upon teachers and upon students of a television program designed to provide in-service training and classroom instruction in Spanish 1
ED013686 Report of the executive secretary, department of rural education, national education association, October, 1967 1
ED013687 Teaching critical thinking in the secondary school 1
ED013688 Rural youth-work programs problems of size and scope / 1
ED013689 Curriculum materials for adult basic education 1
ED013690 Assessment of rural Mexican-American students in grades pre-school through twelfth 1
ED013691 Tefl and the culturally deprived 1
ED013692 Testing in adult basic education programs catering to seasonal and migrant farmers 1