Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED014184 What the research says about teaching the educable mentally retarded in the regular classroom 1
ED014187 Training guide for vocational habilitation 1
ED014188 Education of the deaf. a report to the secretary of health, education, and welfare by his advisory committee on the education of the deaf 1
ED014190 Development and evaluation of auto-instructional programs in arithmetic for the educable mentally handicapped. final report 1
ED014192 Audiology and education of the deaf, a research project and training manual sponsored by the joint committee on audiology and education of the deaf 1
ED014193 Programmed learning materials for the blind 1
ED014194 Artificial lighting for modern schools, a guide for administrative use 1
ED014196 Parking programs for universities 1
ED014197 Plumbing fixture requirements in university instructional and research buildings 1
ED014198 Experimental learning center 1
ED014199 Some questions and answers concerning housing for graduate students 1
ED014200 Planning an art room 1
ED014201 Dual use of school fallout shelter space 1
ED014202 Providing a healthful school environment. standards and procedures 1
ED014204 Planning study behavioral factors in dental school design. summary progress report / 1
ED014207 Components for school construction in the mid-hudson region. progress report 1 1
ED014208 Traveling educational units, a feasibility study of the use of traveling or mobile educational units to improve the quality of education in appalachia 1
ED014209 Components for school construction in the mid-hudson region. progress report 2 1
ED014210 School building projects, a guide to administrative procedures 1
ED014211 Experimental study in instructional procedures. second report 1