Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED015189 Individualized language arts, why not 1
ED015190 The effect of special instruction on the ability of seventh- and eighth-grade pupils to write composition and understand poetry and short fiction. final report 1
ED015191 Improving English instruction in the public school through title iii, ndea 1
ED015194 Children can be taught to spell 1
ED015196 English composition a college problem, a study of the college preparation of prospective teachers of secondary school english / 1
ED015198 Speech fright problems of grade school students 1
ED015200 The English curriculum in the secondary school 1
ED015201 The value of the classics as an elective in college courses for the English major who intends to teach in high school. interim report 1
ED015202 Frequency of aspect in oral and written verbal samples by children 1
ED015203 Gateway English, identification and image stories (a guide for teachers) 1
ED015204 Oral-aural-visual stimuli approach to teaching written composition to 9th grade students. final report 1
ED015205 New materials for the teaching of English, the English program of the usoe 1
ED015206 The conclusion of the initial phase, the English program of the usoe 1
ED015207 English language arts education 1
ED015208 Classroom practices deemed effective by ninety-eight participants in 1965 ndea English institutes 1
ED015210 Annotated humanities programs 1
ED015211 A dean speaks out 1
ED015212 Requirements and standards. abstract of a talk at ade's mla meeting on the 1965 proposals about the ph.d 1
ED015213 English proficiency of males and females is there a difference / 1
ED015214 Two experimental approaches to freshman composition lecture-tutorial and team teaching / 1