Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED015244 Miscellaneous agricultural supplies and small equipment sales and service. agricultural supply - sales and service occupations, module number 12 1
ED015245 Summary of research findings in off-farm agricultural occupations 1
ED015247 Costs and returns of technical education, a pilot study 1
ED015248 Occupational education and training for tomorrow's world of work. number 1, square pegs and round holes 1
ED015249 Occupational education and training for tomorrow's world of work. number 4, community and junior colleges 1
ED015250 How high school counselors can assist students to successfully enter government and industry, workshop on vocational and occupational guidance in the sixties and seventies (may 8-9, 1964) 1
ED015251 A distributive education guide to available literature 1
ED015253 Report on differences in ethnic learning styles 1
ED015255 The selection of trainees under mdta 1
ED015256 The remedial education program, a description of its structure, curriculum design, courses of study, and a selected sample of tested teaching units 1
ED015257 Technology and manpower in the telephone industry, 1965-75 1
ED015258 Job redesign for older workers case studies / 1
ED015259 A training program for selected home economists to train adults and older youth for homemaker service responsibilities. final report 1
ED015260 A regional career information center, development and process 1
ED015261 The preparation of curriculum materials and the development of teachers for an experimental application of the cluster concept of vocational education at the secondary school level. phase ii, cluster concept project. second quarterly report 1
ED015262 Conference on major problems in vocational education in the south. center seminar and conference report, number 1 1
ED015263 National vocational-technical education seminar on occupational mobility and migration. center seminar and conference report, number 2 1
ED015264 Regional seminar for state leaders in vocational education on in-service education. center seminar and conference report, number 3 1
ED015265 Regional conference on supply and demand of teachers of occupational education in the south. center seminar and conference report, number 4 1
ED015266 Seminar on planning developmental and related programs in occupational education. center seminar and conference report, number 6 1