Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED015654 Answer observing in programmed instruction ii. the effect of incentive on student performance within and after programmed instruction / 1
ED015656 Feasibility study of a new mobile multi-media service for have-not school districts. final report 1
ED015657 Mathematics teaching behavior changes made by intermediate grade teachers during a 15-week period of instruction by educational television. final report 1
ED015658 An evaluation of the effect of an immediate feedback device used with typical college classroom tests. final report 1
ED015659 Master television antenna system 1
ED015660 Proceedings of the New York state convocation on educational communications (New York City, November 22-25, 1964) 1
ED015661 Proceedings of the New York state convocation on educational communications (albany, November 20-22, 1963) 1
ED015662 Using television for the improvement of urban life a project sponsored by the national education association. 1
ED015663 A guide to educational television 1
ED015664 Personnel for a complete instructional program printed and nonprinted materials--library and audiovisual services--for elementary and secondary schools / 1
ED015665 Teaching samoans to teach themselves 1
ED015667 Television and the continuing education of teachers, a feasibility study of the potential of network television for dissemination of educational research information. final report 1
ED015668 A comparison of the pictorial, print, and aural media on connotative meaning. final report 1
ED015669 Exploring ways to integrate audio-visual media with elementary school instructional practices 1
ED015670 Project ear, educational amateur radio 1
ED015671 Summary of research in experimental education 1
ED015672 Equipment guide for classroom television 1
ED015674 A basic reference shelf on instructional media research. using educational media guides to the literature, series 1 / 1
ED015675 The instructional effectiveness of color in television a review of the evidence. using educational media--guides to the literature, series 1 / 1
ED015676 Systems analysis and synthesis applied to occupational instruction in secondary schools 1