Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED016836 Emergency victim care and rescue, instructor's manual 1
ED016837 A follow-up of New York state high school bookkeeping students. final report, bor 3 and 13 1
ED016838 An appraisal of instructional units to enhance student understanding of profit-maximizing principles. appendix to final report 1
ED016839 An appraisal of instructional units to enhance student understanding of profit-maximizing principles. research series in agricultural education 1
ED016840 Characteristics of outstanding engineering technicians in Arizona 1
ED016841 The preparation of curriculum materials and the development of teachers for an experimental application of the cluster concept of vocational education at the secondary school level. volume i, final report for phase ii of the cluster concept project 1
ED016842 The preparation of curriculum materials and the development of teachers for an experimental application of the cluster concept of vocational education at the secondary school level. volume ii, instructional plans for the construction cluster 1
ED016843 The preparation of curriculum materials and the development of teachers for an experimental application of the cluster concept of vocational education at the secondary school level. volume iii, instructional plans for the metal forming and fabrication cluster 1
ED016844 The preparation of curriculum materials and the development of teachers for an experimental application of the cluster concept of vocational education at the secondary school level. volume iv, instructional plans for the electro-mechanical cluster 1
ED016845 Development and evaluation of educational programs in bio-medical equipment technology, phase i. final report 1
ED016846 Training institute to upgrade teachers of vocational agriculture in distributive education and supervised training in off-farm agricultural occupations. final report 1
ED016847 Uses of symmetry in design education. final report 1
ED016848 A proposal for the establishment of a state coordinating unit for occupational research and development. final report 1
ED016849 A study of the influences of the father's job and social status on the occupational and social goals of youth. final report 1
ED016850 Development and utilization of a national vocational-technical school achievement testing program using the printing trades as a pilot area. final report 1
ED016851 An evaluation plan for business education programs in high schools. south-western monographs in business and economic education, number 109 1
ED016852 A proposed model for an information storage and retrieval system for reporting job placement follow-through data of persons trained in industrial education programs in California public schools. tentative draft 1
ED016853 An evaluation of the off-farm agricultural occupations materials 1
ED016854 Hospitality education curriculum development project. final report 1
ED016855 The challenge of vocational education for schools, states, and the nation 1